A woman standing alone wears a white shirt is in the right-hand corner. She is in the foreground. She has bent her elbow to place her fingertips to her temple while her chin is tilting down, emoting signs of stress or worry. In the left-hand corner are three people, two women and one man, who appear to be talking while looking at the woman standing alone. These people are in the background, and they are out of focus.

Top 5 January 2025 Completed LocalGovU Courses

Want to know what other North Dakota local governments learned about this past January? Check out the January top 5 most frequently completed LocalGovU courses below:

*Course names and descriptions by LocalGovU (accessed Feb. 24, 2025 from www.LocalGovU.com/NDIRF).

1. Anti-Harassment in the Workplace

Harassment in the workplace is a serious issue that requires a thorough understanding to promote awareness and ultimately prevention. Improper behavior in the workplace may have significant consequences for those involved, for yourself as an employee, and your employer. Recognizing the various types of harassment will help you to identify potential warning signs and take the necessary steps to report harassment.

2. Advanced Defensive Driving Techniques

This course concentrates primarily on advanced defensive driving techniques. You will be given instruction on how to drive defensively in adverse conditions including heavy rain, snow, and ice. We will further discuss how to share the roadways with other motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians.

3. Handling Difficult Customers for Local Government

When residents have problems with municipal services, they call city hall. More often than not, these calls are negative in nature rather than positive, and handling these customers is a skill in and of itself. Local governments cannot function effectively if the relationship between the government and its residents is fraught with tension. By taking this course, you will learn the necessary skills for representing your municipality and strengthening its relationship with citizens.

4. Defensive Driving Basics (tied for fourth)

This course will dive into the basics of defensive driving, including its definition, purpose, and importance, as well as the factors that play an important role from the driver’s perspective. We will also discuss the equipment and judgment necessary for driving safely, as well as review the types of impairment that should be avoided to increase driver safety.

4. Cybersecurity Threats to Public Entities (tied for fourth)

In this one-hour course, we will explore the world of cybersecurity; including its definition, methods of attack, and how to combat threats.

4. Crisis Intervention Training Overview (tied for fourth)

The course provides a brief overview of the core philosophy of Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training, training components, collaborative approaches, and the goals and benefits of CIT training implementation.

5. Successful Customer Interactions (tied for fifth)

There is a strong correlation between customer satisfaction and the success of a business or department. Welcoming customers means working to create satisfied customers from the inside-out. When local government creates satisfied customers, we create empowered and informed citizens. In this course, learners will discover how to interact as co-workers and service providers. We will also cover understanding the customer goal and how to create goals that will lead to successful customer interactions.

5. Contraband Control

In this one-hour course, officers will learn to effectively learn how to identify, search for, and document all forms of contraband.

Register Today!

Your entity gains free access to LocalGovU’s more than 1,000 professional development and safety courses through its NDIRF membership, enabling every employee within your organization to browse and complete relevant trainings per your entity as well as their specific role.

If your entity is interested in learning how the NDIRF’s LocalGovU online training platform can support employee training initiatives, reach out to our Director of Member Services Corey Olson at Corey.Olson@ndirf.com. LocalGovU is offered free to NDIRF members.

Register today to start your LocalGovU professional development journey at www.NDIRF.com>Member Benefits>Online Training.