Top 5 September 2024 Completed LocalGovU Courses

Want to know what other North Dakota local governments learned about this past September? Check out the September top 5 most frequently completed LocalGovU courses below:

*Course names and descriptions by LocalGovU (accessed Oct. 8, 2024, from

1. Advanced Defensive Driving Techniques

This course concentrates primarily on advanced defensive driving techniques. You will be given instruction on how to drive defensively in adverse conditions including heavy rain, snow, and ice. We will further discuss how to share the roadways with other motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians.

2. Defensive Driving Basics

This course will dive into the basics of defensive driving, including its definition, purpose, and importance, as well as the factors that play an important role from the driver’s perspective. We will also discuss the equipment and judgment necessary for driving safely, as well as review the types of impairment that should be avoided to increase driver safety.

3. Bus Safety: Distracted Driving

Driver inattention is the leading factor in most crashes and near-crashes, according to a landmark research report released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI). Nearly 80 percent of crashes and 65 percent of near-crashes involved some form of driver inattention within three seconds before the event. Primary causes of driver inattention are distracting activities, such as cell phone use and drowsiness. Reducing operator distractions and improving safety is a shared responsibility of both the transit agency and the operator. This one-hour course is intended to educate bus transit systems employees on how to reduce or eliminate distractions while driving.

4. Evasive Driving

Dave Smith discusses staying aware and being ready to use evasive driving skills at all times.

5. Anti-Harassment in the Workplace (Tied)

Harassment in the workplace is a serious issue that requires a thorough understanding to promote awareness and ultimately prevention. Improper behavior in the workplace may have significant consequences for those involved, for yourself as an employee, and your employer. Recognizing the various types of harassment will help you to identify potential warning signs and take the necessary steps to report harassment.

5. Autism Recognition and Response (Tied)

After watching this video, the viewer will be familiar with overt signs of Autism and gain tips where to look for a missing Autistic person.

5. Bus Operations: Operator Training (Tied)

This one-hour course is intended to provide an overview of what bus transit systems operators must know prior to operating a vehicle. This course reflects the consensus of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) Bus Standards Program members on the items, methods, and procedures that have provided the best performance record based on the experiences of those present and participating in meetings of the Program Task Forces and Working Groups. APTA recognizes that for certain applications, the practices, as implemented by operating agencies, may be either more or less restrictive than those given in this course.

5. Cyber Terms (Tied)

In this video, Jonathan McCombs, PhD offers some common definitions of cyber security.

5. Discipline of Being Positive (Tied)

Dan Marcou talks with Doug Wyllie about the importance of staying positive throughout your career, and tips on how to do it.

5. Driver Assessment Traffic Stop MA (Tied)

After watching this video, the viewer will see the importance of driver assessment.

5. Drug Recognition (Tied)

In this video, Dave Smith talks to drug recognition expert Kyle Clark about modern drug combinations and how to recognize drug impairment.

5. Winter Driving Safety (Tied)

In this video tip, PoliceOne Contributor Dave Smith discusses some of the dangers of winter driving and offers the reminder that as the winter seasons begins its important to refresh your memory and if possible, your physical skills on how vehicles respond on slick road surfaces.

If your entity is interested in learning how the NDIRF’s LocalGovU online training platform can support employee training initiatives, reach out to our Director of Member Services Corey Olson at LocalGovU is offered free to NDIRF members.

Register today to start your LocalGovU professional development journey at>Member Benefits>Online Training.