Liability Coverage

For your entity’s operations.

Coverage Overview

  • Liability coverage on an occurrence form coverage basis
  • No annual aggregate limit of liability
  • Includes coverage for:
    • Professional Liability (separate charge applies)
    • Governance Liability (separate charge applies)
    • Employment Practices Liability
    • Employee Benefits Liability
    • Special Events coverage (charge may apply)
    • Liquor Liability
    • Cyber Liability and Data Breach coverage
    • Fire legal liability
  • Defense costs are payable in addition to the limit of liability
  • Defense costs – only coverage provided for contractual disputes, eminent domain proceedings, and failure or alleged failure to levy, tax, solicit, or apply for funding or provide guidance on availability of funding
  • Coverage is provided for claims seeking injunctive or non-monetary relief ($100,000 limit of liability)
  • Personal property taken for official use in an emergency situation is covered up to limit of liability
  • Medical Payments coverage for volunteer emergency personnel while responding to an emergency
  • Coverage is provided for damage from drift or over-spray of pesticides
  • $250,000 coverage for sudden and accidental pollution liability coverage is included
  • Coverage is provided for use of snowmobiles, watercraft, and ATVs
  • $2,500 coverage for damage to personal property in your care, custody or control
  • $2,500 coverage for damage to premises you rent or occupy for less than five consecutive days
  • No specific exclusions for rekindle liability, fellow firefighter liability, or fireworks sponsorship

This information is provided for educational purposes only and provides a general description of NDIRF coverage. Representations of coverage provided within the context of this information may not reference all language contained in NDIRF coverage documents. Please refer to the appropriate coverage document(s) for exact coverage, conditions, exclusions, and other relevant information.