New Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

Coverage Terms Defined: What is a Risk Pool?

Person wearing a button up sits at a computer and appears to take an online class. A green rectangle is below the picture and includes the headline LocalGovU Online Training and in smaller text below the headline

July 2023: Top 5 LocalGovU Courses

Person wearing a button up sits at a computer and appears to take an online class. A green rectangle is below the picture and includes the headline LocalGovU Online Training and in smaller text below the headline

May 2023: Top 5 LocalGovU Courses

Person wearing a button up sits at a computer and appears to take an online class. A green rectangle is below the picture and includes the headline LocalGovU Online Training and in smaller text below the headline

February 2023 Edition: Top 5 LocalGovU Courses

Snow Load – Roof Collapse Prevention Guide

Person wearing a button up sits at a computer and appears to take an online class. A green rectangle is below the picture and includes the headline LocalGovU Online Training and in smaller text below the headline

January 2023 Edition: Top 5 LocalGovU Courses

Person wearing a button up sits at a computer and appears to take an online class. A green rectangle is below the picture and includes the headline LocalGovU Online Training and in smaller text below the headline

2022 Top 10 LocalGovU Courses

Person wearing a button up sits at a computer and appears to take an online class. A green rectangle is below the picture and includes the headline LocalGovU Online Training and in smaller text below the headline

Top November LocalGovU Course Wins by a Landslide for Good Reason