NDIRF Finance Committee Meeting

Zoom Video Conference

Zoom Video Conference Link: https://ndirf.zoom.us/j/87894543192?pwd=d1M3TDJZS3c5NGh0ZHJHT3NibmFVQT09 Meeting ID: 878 9454 3192 Passcode: 040323

NDIRF Nominating Committee Meeting

Zoom Video Conference

Zoom Video Conference Link: https://ndirf.zoom.us/j/82101742115?pwd=b1JGWFpHR1V0Um1HOWlacDBuQWxJQT09 Meeting ID: 821 0174 2115 Passcode: 237100

NDIRF Board of Directors Meeting

Zoom Video Conference

Zoom Video Conference Link: https://ndirf.zoom.us/j/88154966140?pwd=WmxaZ0NLWGExRmVUSUI1VjJSVzNnQT09 Meeting ID: 881 5496 6140 Passcode: 836098  

NDIRF Board of Directors Executive Committee Meeting

Zoom Video Conference

The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the North Dakota Insurance Reserve Fund (NDIRF) will hold a special meeting on April 3, 2024, at 10:00 am CT. The meeting will be held virtually. To access the meeting, visit: https://ndirf.zoom.us/j/84704130289?pwd=VkVIMG8vTTcwRGhUOXUvS2dKNlMwZz09 The Meeting ID is: 847 0413 0289 and the Passcode is: 835002 At the […]

NDIRF Board of Directors Meeting

Zoom Video Conference

The Board of Directors of the North Dakota Insurance Reserve Fund (NDIRF) will hold a special meeting on April 18, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. CT. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom Video Conferencing. To join, click below: https://ndirf.zoom.us/j/83297274765?pwd=NlVjQWk3MDZINnJKMXZKeHMzMnpRUT09 The Meeting ID is: 832 9727 4765 and the Passcode is: 945330 At the time […]